A Parents Guide to the RMA Science Department Project: OWLS OPUS!

Dear Parents - 

This week during science, your student will be introduced to our school-wide Invention Project - Owl’s Opus.  As we prepare students for life outside of the classroom, we strive to instill the 12 abilities that today’s students need to succeed during the Information Age. These 21st-century skills are:

  1. Critical thinking

  2. Creativity

  3. Collaboration

  4. Communication

  5. Information literacy

  6. Media literacy

  7. Technology literacy

  8. Flexibility

  9. Leadership

  10. Initiative

  11. Productivity

  12. Social skills

Owl’s Opus allows students to work on all of these skills while they brainstorm, research, design, build, test, re-design and present their original invention. 

Every RMA student is required to complete an original Invention Project.  An inventor’s journal (paper or electronic), model (prototype) and  digital presentation (Video uploaded to FlipGrid) is required. 

Project requirements and journal entries will be posted in Google Classroom, however MOST of the work for this project will be done outside of the classroom by students.

Invention projects must be pre-approved by their science teacher.

Every student will sign a contract and create an original invention to the best of their ability.

Inventor’s Journals, Models and digital presentations are due Jan. 22, 2024.

Top students will present their inventions before a parliament of judges in February.

Accommodations may be made by teachers based on specific student needs.

Please reach out to your child’s science teacher or Rebekka Stasny, Science Department Chair at stasnyr@rowlettmiddleacademy.org if you have any questions or concerns.