Parents » FOCUS Gradebook

FOCUS Gradebook

FOCUS: Access student grades,  absences, test scores, and more!

Parent Access Link if you have a previously established Focus Account:
To obtain access to Focus for the first time:
You can easily view your student's information through the FOCUS Parent Portal. Parents must:
  1. Complete the required paper form (PDF below) and submitting to RMA. You may send the form to the office with your student or email to Erika Gonzalez.
  2. Once submitted, please complete the online access registration here.
FOCUS Codes and what they mean:
  • NG = Not Graded (Hasn't been turned in or hasn't been entered by the teacher)
  • S = Soft Zero (Shows as a zero in grade book, but there's still time to submit it late)
  • Z = Missing (The assignment will no longer be accepted and will count as a zero in grade book)
  • Asterisk (*) = Excluded (The assignment will not count toward or against the grade)