Discover RMA » Summer FAQ

Summer FAQ

I'm interested in signing up for a tour and/or registering my child for 23-24. How do I get started? 

Visit our choice page and sign-up for a tour and complete an application!


Is the office open this summer?

Yes, the office is open from 8AM - 4PM Monday-Thursday but closed for summer break from June 26th to July 7th.


How can I review my child's report card/test scores?

Report cards are posted in FOCUS. Please view your child's Q4 grades/report card via the Parent Portal. Not sure how to connect? Visit our FOCUS Help Page.


I am not connected to FOCUS. Can I connect now?

We will be able to help you establish a FOCUS account in the Fall. The process is explained here: FOCUS Help Page.


Is the 23-24 School Calendar available online?

Yes, click here to view it.


What are the 23-24 School Hours?

8:20AM - 3:20PM. 


What is the Block Schedule for this year?

Students attend all classes on Monday. Tuesday and Thursday they attend even classes, and Wednesday and Friday they attend odd classes. iLead takes place in 5th period.


Monday - Parliament Day (All classes)

Tuesday - Even Day (2, 4, 5, 6)

Wednesday - Odd Day (1, 3, 5, 7)

Thursday - Even Day (2, 4, 5, 6)

Friday - Odd Day (1, 3, 5, 7)


How can I register for bus service for 23-24?

The deadline to request bus service has passed. If you did not submit a request prior to the deadline, you may reach out to our transportation coordinator: [email protected]. You will be added to the end of the current list. We cannot guarantee you will receive a spot on the bus for 23-24.


Can I register my child for "The Roost" Before and/Or After Care for 23-24?

Roost registration will begin later this summer. Please standby.


When is Open House and Parent University?

We have tentatively scheduled these activities for August 5th. Open House from 9 AM-Noon and Parent University from Noon-3 PM.


What are the Uniform Requirements?

22-23 requirements can be found here but we are in the process of updating for 23-24 so they may be subject to change.


Where can I purchase uniforms?

We work with vendors such as Manatee Apparel or Lands' End (School Number: 900183971). If ordering from Manatee Apparel, you may wish to order 3-4 weeks before the desired receipt of items. You may also purchase your own items via the store of your choice as long as they follow our requirements and have the patches applied as needed. Some outerwear is also available via our school website.


I want to purchase patches for polo shirts I've purchased. Can I come to the school office?

Patches are $3 each and may be purchased with cash or check made payable to Rowlett Middle Academy. Exact change only, please.


Where can I purchase arts, music, PE supplies/uniforms for 23-24? 

These items can be purchased on our website under the "SHOP" tab. Items will be updated and added over the summer, but we do recommend you wait until you have received your child's schedule so you know which elective materials they might need.


How can I connect to Bloomz (School Messaging Application)?

Invites for 23-24 will be sent later this summer. 


I want to remove myself from the Bloomz messaging application. How can I do that?

There is a chance we might need to message our 22-23 families via Bloomz over the summer. For that reason, will not be "removing" families until we are ready to upload the 23-24 information. If you wish to remove yourself prior to that date later this summer, you may follow these steps.


I'd like to learn more about Parent-Student requirements... How can I learn more?

We invite you to review the 22-23 Parent-Student Handbook. An Updated version for 23-24 will be available this Summer.


I want to sign-up for Rowlett Family Association committees. Can I still help out?

Yes! Please complete our online interest form.


Are 22-23 Yearbooks still available for purchase?

We have less than ten available--please send an email to [email protected] if interested.


Can my student borrow one of the required Summer reading texts?

Yes, they will be available for check out in the front office on a first come, first serve basis.


Required books by grade level:

6th grade: The City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau

7th grade: The Giver by Lois Lowry

8th grade: The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind: Young Readers Edition by William Kamkwamba and Bryan Mealer


What are the summer interdisciplinary projects?


On behalf of the English/Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Arts departments of Rowlett Middle Academy, we are excited to share our Summer Interdisciplinary lessons! We have created creative opportunities from different subject areas that are centered around grade-level appropriate books. Our goal is to inspire, challenge, and engage students over the summer break while practicing continuous and lifelong learning.

  1. Find your Book: Books are available for loan from the public library, for sale through booksellers, and a few copies for loan (first come, first served) at the RMA front office in June.

Required books by grade level:

  • 6th grade: The City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau
  • 7th grade: The Giver by Lois Lowry
  • 8th grade: The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind: Young Readers Edition by William Kamkwamba and Bryan Mealer
  1. Join Google Classroom: Go to Using your RMA email, join the appropriate grade-level classroom:
  • 6th grade: mpkssiy
  • 7th grade: 2plxzlx
  • 8th grade: r2kz53a

Your RMA email is [email protected] and your password is Rowlett#2023. Incoming students for the 23-24 school year will be able to access their RMA email after June 12. Students with hyphenated last names will include both names, but no hyphen will be included.

  1. Read the book and complete the activities posted in Google Classroom. Learning opportunities will be updated throughout the summer in the event that a great learning opportunity presents itself. Work will be due to your grade-level subject area teacher during the first weeks of school.

It is critical that students take their summer interdisciplinary projects seriously—it is expected that students complete the summer lessons to the best of their ability and in a timely manner. Project grading may vary by teacher and subject area. Studies show that when students continue to read, write, think, and create during the summer months, they demonstrate stronger academic and artistic skills over the school year. By working diligently on these projects over summer, students are exhibiting the 7 Habits through being proactive and beginning with the end in mind.

If you have any questions, please contact: Rebekka Stasny at [email protected] or at 813.609.5086 (call or text). A video explaining how to log in to Gmail and google classroom can be found by going to:


Are you offering any summer enrichment options?

Yes, we are offering 3 courses (Dates vary, All meetings virtual)


Bridge to RMA (incoming 6th Graders or NEW 7th/8th Graders) - This session has ended but recordings can be found here.

Algebra 1 (Returning students enrolled in Algebra 1 in 23-24 - Not sure if your child should register? Reach out to your child's counselor. You may sign-up here.