iPad Update

Hello Families, 
Just a few reminders... 
iPad pickup for eLearning and Hybrid T/Th students will be available 8/13, Thursday & 8/14, Friday 9am-3pm. When arriving to pick-up, please stay in your vehicle, write your student's name on piece paper to hold up or place in your window, and "pop" your trunk for items to be placed inside in order to minimize contact. Please wear a mask if you need to communicate more directly with our staff.
If your child is Face-to-Face full time or on the Monday/Wednesday Hybrid scheduled, your child will receive their iPads on Monday. 
Please note, we are asking that parents cover an annual $50 insurance fee for Apple care which will cover a repair if necessary (ex: broken screen, damaged headphone port, etc.). Any additional iPad repairs will cost an additional $50 each. Students will keep the same iPad as long as they are students in RMA. 

No student will be denied an iPad or denied enrollment if the fee is not paid, so please reach out to administration if you need assistance covering this charge: [email protected].
This fee can be paid online at https://osp.osmsinc.com/RowlettMiddleAcademy/