22-23 BLOOMZ UPDATE - Underway!

Hello Families,

We have started to import our 22-23 data. Please be patient with us as we work to get everyone connected. Some of our staff members are also still holding for invites, so please be patient with them if you do not receive an immediate response or post from them. You may wish to use your agendas or our Staff Directory to convey time-sensitive information. As always, transportation changes should be communicated through the front office (941-708-6100).

Here are some suggestions to help you connect:

Invites are linked to the email/phone number that we have in FOCUS. If you attempt to connect with a different email address/phone number, you will likely not be able to link to your child's class.

If you are a NEW user, please click the link sent to you via email/text rather than trying to create your own account.

If you are a RETURNING user, you may just be able to log-in to Bloomz and see the updates instead of waiting on a message. You may need to log-out and log back in to see the changes. Make sure you've updated the app... you can even uninstall/reinstall to ensure you have the current version.

If you are a RETURNING user and do not remember your password, you can request a reset via the app or [www.bloomz.net](http://www.bloomz.net/).

If the app doesn't work for you, [www.bloomz.net](http://www.bloomz.net/) is not subject to app glitches/hardware compatibility.

If you received an invite but need to invite a partner/spouse, you may follow these steps to do so yourself: [https://support.bloomz.com/.../62000084321-inviting-spouse)

If you are connected via a non-preferred email/phone number, please make sure your information is current in FOCUS.

RMA is connecting ONLY to iLead and whole-school messaging.

If you have attempted these steps and still cannot connect, please complete this form:
