Student Recognition Requirements
Student Recognition
Students who consistently give their best efforts both academically and behaviorally will be recognized each quarter. Rowlett Middle Academy provides a positive school culture where students are rewarded for making good choices and meeting OWLS Expectations. Excessive tardies or unexcused absences may affect participation in recognition programs or in special activities, field trip experiences, and/or assemblies.
Academic Honor Roll ceremonies are held each quarter for students earning a 3.5 or higher grade point average and all 1’s or 2’s in conduct. All students will attend the assemblies, and students who meet the criteria will receive an Honor Roll Certificate. Due to space limitations, assemblies are only open to students.
Effort Honor Roll Field Day activities are held each quarter for students earning all As, Bs, or Cs and all 1’s or 2’s in conduct. Field Day Activities are open to students and parent volunteers. Requests for volunteers will be forthcoming.
1st Quarter Report Card Conferences
1st Quarter Report Cards will be sent home in mid-October. Parents of students earning an F on their Report Card will be required to attend a scheduled conference for their student. Conference schedule requests will be sent home with those students after Report Cards are finalized.